Browsing Category : Menu Planning

menu and grocery list june 2017 healthy easy

Menu & Grocery List #6 -Summer Favorites

I’ve been going back and updating old posts lately, and let me tell you- that is way more work than I anticipated (check out the updated About Me page!). I want older recipes to use the new recipe format, and the nutrition labels. It’s still a work in progress, but I noticed something…I haven’t had a new menu and grocery…

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Healthier Holidays

For those of you here in the US, I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! I hope that it was full of family, and laughter, and most of all, giving thanks. Surprisingly though, that’s not what most people think of when they consider their holidays. Any guesses as to what it seems to be centered around? That’s right,…

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Menu & Grocery List #5

Hello friends! Wow, October was something else! I went to my high school reunion early on in the month, and had a blast! Later, my entire family visited Universal Studios, primarily to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (there’s a nice photo of my brother, sister, and me below). And by the way, that place was AMAZING. And most recently, it was…

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Menu & Grocery List #4

September brings busier schedules: school has started, the days are getting shorter, and it seems like the laziness of summer is ending. Let me help you make the transition just a little bit easier with a complete dinner menu for four, and the grocery list to go with it! They feature the most recent recipes that I’ve posted, and who knows-…

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Menu & Grocery List #3

Hey there my fellow foodies! Tonight I’m bringing you my latest menu and grocery list! I compile them from recipes that I’ve posted; this one happens to be made up from the most recent recipes added to the site. You can find links to all the recipes featured in the menu here: BBQ Chicken Salad with “Fried” Onions Salmon &…

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Menu & Grocery List #2

Ta-ta-ta-TA! Say what?! There’s finally a new menu and grocery list up? Yes sirs (and madams!) you heard right! I know it’s been awhile in the making but I’m happy to announce a new menu that sums up the past 5 recipes that I’ve posted. Now what I want you to do is visit the recipes, and first, PRINT THEM.…

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Weekly Menu & Grocery List! June 20th

Download your printable menu here! Did you miss me? I had kind of a crazy week with my daughter’s 3rd birthday party, but boy did she love it! Balloons, bubbles, swimming pool, CAKE, what more could a toddler ask for? Anyways, it also gave me a few days to develop some content! Expect more coming soon! For now, I have…

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New Menu & Grocery List

Literally cannot wait for this week, because guess what arrived today? My brand spankin’ new Sony A6000 DSLR Camera. BOOM. Ok, so I have to admit something. The camera did come a week or so ago, when I first posted it on instagram. But this funny girl didn’t realize I had to purchase the camera WITH A LENS or it…

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Pantry Staples

Ok guys, so I’m gearing up here to get your first menu and grocery list on the blog ready to go! Be sure to check back tomorrow for the update! But for now, I’m realizing that you need a list of the staple items to keep on hand in your pantry. I WON’T be adding these to the weekly grocery…

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