Tag Archives : weight loss

Eight Tips for Better Sleep

A few weeks ago, I shared a little bit about why it’s so important to get good sleep, for you and your healthy body! There’s a reason they call it “beauty sleep” honey, because you’ll wake up glowing inside and out. On the flip side, have you noticed how dull both your complexion and your mindset can be when you’re…

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Six Reasons Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight

We’ve all been there. You set great intentions to eat well, exercise, maybe even meditate. But then something happens (late night Netflix binge anyone?) and you end up getting less sleep than you intended. Maybe a lot less sleep, or maybe only the difference of an hour. The next day, those cravings strike, and suddenly a donut is calling your…

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health vinegar weight loss benefits

The Truth About Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, or ACV, has received a lot interest lately. It’s being hyped up as the new universal remedy, but is that accurate? I have seen claims that it can cure cancer and disease, disinfect your home, treat your hair and skin, and help you lose weight. But what is truth, and what is just speculation? I’m going to give you the…

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My 5 Favorite Health and Fitness Apps

Our phones have become an integral part of our lives. They help us with just about everything, so why not use that to your advantage? But with so many new apps out there, it can be hard to choose the right ones!  I feel like a new app is released every second! But here are my favorites for health and fitness,…

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